in the past three months I have received a number of interesting (and sometimes flattering) comments about Sensual Musicology; recurring (and welcome) adjectives are “timeless”, “well thought” and “bravely empty”. Earlier this month I presented the album in Ferrara and played some of the music which inspired it, in an attempt to contextualize these kind words. But there is something no one has noticed yet, perhaps because is not obvious, so I figured I’d write it here as an additional info about how my music is made. Despite being mostly an acoustic album, if you look at the structures of many of my tunes (Jon Hassell Beach Bar, Sometimes remember, the Bolero or Altamira Shuffle are good examples), the way the instruments come and go, the presence of “rhythm drops (or breaks)” and the way the rhythm sections behave throughout (most of) the tunes, you’ll see these are all solutions that come from Dub, Hip hop, Techno and Dance music in general.