Joe Gillis is William Holden’s character in Sunset Boulevard, one of the most bizarre and intense movies made in Hollywood (in 1950). Gillis (pictured above with Norma Desmond, played by Gloria Swanson) lived at the chateau Alto Nido, “a real apartment block in central Hollywood that was often populated by struggling writers”. (from Wikipedia) While writing this theme (for an EP which is a homage to Californian sounds, from West Coast music to Hollywood Soundtracks, Jazz and Exotica), I remembered visiting the chateau with my good friend, film critic and LA connoisseur Luca Celada. So, when the EP came out, I asked Luca if he could put together some footage to make a videoclip. The result is a Los Angeles dream that captures the spirit of LA, where the desert is always right around the corner and the light, the clouds, the horizon line create a constant Déjà vu from cinematic memory. Thanks to Luca for this gem, and thank you for sharing it: supporting independent musicians is the only way to keep having independent music. (You can get this EP clicking “buy” on the Bandcamp sidebar box.)